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How to recognize the different tango orchestras with Ignacio Varchausky?

If you want to learn to recognize the different tango orchestras or know more about their respective styles, you must know Ignacio Varchausky and his lectures on the fundamental styles of tango. Each conference is dedicated to an orchestra and what characterizes its style. Such a helpful learning guide when you begin to be interested in tango music. On the program D’Arienzo, Di Sarli, Pugliese, Troilo, Salgan, Gobbi and many more.

A conference lasts about an hour and a half. The information is technical, but clear and precise. We love it! With the lectures being given in Buenos Aires, everything is in Spanish, so if you are not fluent hang in there or hope for a future translation of his content!

Ignacio Varchausky is a double bass player, music producer and founder of the El Arranque orchestra. He is also the creator and artistic director of the Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce orchestra, and the founder of the TangoVia Buenos Aires Association which aims to preserve, promote and develop the culture of Tango.

Below are the links of several Ignacio Varchausky conferences:

Listen to them. It’s a tango gem!



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