Ask me which tango teacher I recommend in Buenos Aires, and the first name that comes to my mind is Emanuel Ledesma. A rising star of recent years, Emanuel has easily established himself as an unmissable dancer on the international tango scene.

Emanuel began to dance tango at the age of 17 in the province of Corrientes in Argentina before moving to Cordoba where he followed the formation of the "Academia Argentina Tango" before joining his troupe as a permanent dancer. Then he gave tango lessons, performed many shows and musicalized milongas in Cordoba then in Buenos Aires where he moved in 2015. He learnt from great tango masters as to then fully dedicate himself to tango, and make a breakthrough in this competitive environment.
It was a few months after his arrival in Buenos Aires that I met Emanuel in the Canning milonga. An incredible dancer with a discreet and enthusiastic personality. In 2016 he participated in the "Mundialito" of the milonga Viva la Pepa where he won first place. Then at the world tango championship, he reached the 4th place with his tango partner Carolina Couto, which marked a corner stone for his tango career. They were the youngest dance couple to ever make it to this place! He continued to build his name on the tango scene when the following year he made it to the 4th place in the milonga category of "El Campeonato de Baile de la Ciudad" before arriving in the final at the world tango championship.
Then he went on tour abroad to give lessons and participate in shows worldwide such as Uruguay, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Georgia, France, South Korea, Japan and China.
Currently Emanuel lives in Buenos Aires where he teaches and performs on stage. Upcoming tours are expected as well as participations in the next big tango championships in Buenos Aires.
Make sure not to miss an occasion to take a class with him, whether in a tango festival, in group lessons or even better in private lessons. You will be delighted by his dance, his pedagogy, his musicality, his technique, his abrazo and his professionalism. If you discover Emanuel through our Malvón tango dress blog, please let him know, we'll be happy to know that our recommendations generate movement and new connections. So much for words that can’t describe it all, but I hope enough to make you want to take a class with him and see for yourself!
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